March 13, 2020 – Quinte Home & Lifestyle Show – April 3-5, 2020
Given the recent direction provided by the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health, The Quinte Home Builders Association Board of Directors’ has made a decision to postpone our 2020 Quinte Home & Lifestyle Show, April 3-5 to be in compliance with the direction to help reduce possible risk regarding the spread of Covid-19/Corona Virus.
We have been bringing The Quinte Home & Lifestyle Show to our community for almost 50 years in our beautiful Quinte Region and this is the first time in our history that we have had to consider the postponement of our Show.
The QHBA Board, the QHLS Committee (many of whom are exhibitors themselves) and our CEO have been monitoring this situation carefully this week and have been mindful of the impact on all stakeholders. It was only after careful consideration that this postponement of the 2020 Quinte Home & Lifestyle Show was decided as the safety of our exhibitors, volunteers and staff is paramount.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The Quinte Home & Lifestyle Show Committee & staff will contact exhibitors as soon as possible with more information.
More details will follow as soon as they become available.
If you, have any immediate inquiries, feel free to contact QHLS Show Manager & QHBA CEO, Ruth Estwick Ceo@quintehomebuilders.com or 613-970-2216, or our administrative staff at info@quinteomebuilders.com.